Nama | : | Prof. Dr. Ir. Ridwan Yahya, M.Sc |
Jenis Kelamin | : | Pria |
Tempat dan Tanggal lahir | : | Luwu , Sulawesi Selatan 11 Mei 1968 |
NIP | : | 196805111993031011 |
Pangkat/Gol | : | Pembina Tingkat 1/IVb |
Jabatan | : | Guru Besar Teknologi Hasil Hutan, Jurusan Kehutanan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Bengkulu |
Agama | : | Islam |
Nama Istri | : | Emmi Halijah Simatupang |
Nama anak | : | Syaikhah Fathinah Ridwan (mahasiswa kedokteran UNIB) |
Athiyah Ghina Ridwan (siswa SMAN 5 Bengkulu) | ||
Nama Ayah | : | H. Yahya Yasin, BA (alm) |
Nama Ibu | : | Hj. Hatipa Arsyad |
Alamat Kantor | : | Jurusan Kehutanan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Bengkulu, Jalan Raya Kandang Limun Bengkulu – Indonesia |
Alamat Rumah | : | Jalan W.R. Supratman 2 No. 7, Rt. 10, Rw. 03, Kelurahan Bentiring Permai, Kecamatan Muara Bangkahulu, Kota Bengkulu, Provinsi Bengkulu, Indonesia. |
: | ridwanyahya@unib.ac.id; ridwanyahya@yahoo.com | |
Telpon/HP | : | 021-736-7310796/ 0812713833808 |
Tahun 1974 – 1980 | : | SDN 76 Malimongan Palopo, Sulawesi Selatan |
Tahun 1980 – 1983 | : | SMPN 1 Palopo, Sulawesi Selatan |
Tahun 1983 – 1986 | : | SMAN 1 Palopo, Sulawesi Selatan |
Tahun 1986 – 1991 | : | Sarjana (S1), Jurusan Kehutanan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Hasanuddin |
Tahun 1999 – 2001 | : | M.Sc (S2), University of the Philippines Los Banos, Philipines |
Tahun 2009 – 2012 | : | Ph.D (S3), Kyoto University, Jepang |
1. Teknologi Hasil Hutan (1997 – 2019) | S1 | |
2. Teknologi Pengolahan Kayu (sejak 2019) | S1 | |
3. Struktur dan Sifat Kayu (1997 – 2018) | S1 | |
4. Sifat-Sifat Dasar Kayu (sejak 2019) | S1 | |
5. Topik Khusus : Dimensi serat, kimia kayu, sifat pulp dan kertas (2005 – 2019) | S1 | |
6. Teknologi Pulp dan Kertas (2013 – sekarang) | S1 | |
7. Penyajian Ilmiah (2013 – 2018) | S1 | |
8. Karya Tulis Ilmiah (sejak 2019) | S1 | |
9. Sistim Pengelolaan dan Audit Lingkungan (2017- sekarang) | S2 |
- Ketua Jurusan Kehutanan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Bengkulu, Agustus 2002 – 2003.
- Ketua Jurusan Kehutanan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Bengkulu, Januari 2018- Mei
- Kepala Pusat Pengembangan Inovasi dan Kawasan Sains Teknologi, April 2020 – April 2022
- Pengaruh Umur Pohon Terhadap Produksi Getah Pinus merkusii Jungh et De Vries dan Analisis Saluran Resinnya. 1991. (Biaya sendiri)
- Solusi Kekurangan Bahan Baku dan Efisiensi Pembuatan Pulp dan Kertas dengan Perlakuan Awal Biopulping pada Limbah Cabang Acacia mangium Tahun 2007-2008 (Bersama Mucharromah, Ph.D dan Devi Silsia; Biaya: Hibah Bersaing DIKTI)
- Pemanfaatan Teknologi Pelengkungan Kayu dalam Industri Perkayuan di Desa Sunda Kelapa. Dana DIPA Universitas Bengkulu Tahun Anggaran 2007.
- Some Anatomical Features of an Acacia Hybrid, Mangium and A. Auriculiformis Grown In Indonesia with Regard to Pulp Yield and Paper Strength. Tahun 2008-2009.
- Optimasi Biokraft Jamur Panerochaeta chrysosporium dalam Upaya Menurunkan Tingkat Pencemaran dan Meningkatkan Kualitas Pulp Campuran Batang dan Limbah Cabang Mangium. Hibah bersaing (DIKTI)
- Development of fasile, quick & reliable technique to estimate variation of fiber properties in relation to the distance from vessel In Acacia mangium. Hibah Kerjasama Luar Negeri & Publikasi International- DIKTI 2014 (Tahun 1)
- Development of fasile, quick & reliable technique to estimate variation of fiber properties in relation to the distance from vessel In Acacia mangium. Hibah Kerjasama Luar Negeri & Publikasi International- DIKTI 2015 (Tahun 2)
- Penentuan Ukuran Diameter Batang Kayu Jati Yang Telah Dibuat Kursi dan Meja (Panjang batang 100 s/d 190 cm). Kerjasama antara Jurusan Kehutanan Fakultas Pertanian dengan Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan Cabang Bengkulu. 2014.
- Introduction a novel method to investigate effect of vessel variation on Fiber dimension in Acacia mangium. Hibah Kerjasama Luar Negeri & Publikasi International- RISTEK-DIKTI 2017 (Tahun 1)
- Introduction a novel method to investigate effect of vessel variation on Fiber dimension in Acacia mangium. Hibah Penelitian Dasar RISTEK-DIKTI 2018 (Tahun 1I)
- Introduction a novel method to investigate effect of vessel variation on Fiber dimension in Acacia mangium. Hibah Penelitian Dasar RISTEK-DIKTI 2018 (Tahun I1I)
- Peningkatan Kualitas Limbah Cabang Sengon sebagai Bahan Baku Industri Arang melalui Pengembangan Teknologi Pengeringan Tenaga Surya Teko Bersayap. Penelitian Koloborasi Nasional UNIB 2020
Year and Duration | Place | Purpose | Funded by |
2003 (14 days)
2004 (45 days)
2005 (4 months)
2014 (30 days) |
Wood Chemistry laboratory, the University of Tokyo and Wood Research Institute (WRI), Kyoto University
Wood Chemistry laboratory, the University of Tokyo
Wood Chemistry laboratory, the University of Tokyo
Kyoto University |
Presented paper in Acacia mangium symposium at Kyoto University and Conducting Research.
Conducting research
Conducting research
Conducting research |
LIPI-JSPS Core University Program in the Field of Wood Science
JSPS (General Exchange Scientist Program between JSPS and Directorate General High Education of Indonesia)
Aldritz, Co and Wood Chemistry laboratory, the University of Tokyo
Directorate General High Education of Indonesia |
2016 (30 days) | Kyoto University | Conducting research | Directorate General High Education of Indonesia
2016 (30 days) | Kyoto University | Conducting research | Directorate General High Education of Indonesia
2007 (14 days) | Kyoto University | Conducting research | Kementrian Riset dan Pendidikan Tinggi |
- Yahya, R dan Eliyin. Penekanan Eksistensi Rimbawan dalam Mengelola Hutan Secara lestari”. Proceeding symposium Penerapan Ekolabel di hutan produksi, Jakarta 10 – 12 Agusutus 1995. p 359-363
- Yahya, R. 1998. Pengaruh Umur Pohon Terhadap Produksi Getah Pinus merkusii Jungh et De Vries. Jurnal Penelitian UNIB, No 12 Juli 1998. Universitas Bengkulu.
- Yahya, R. 2001. Assessment on Wood Quality of Paraserianthes falcataria (L.) Nielsen for Pulp and Paper Making. UNITAS vol.3. 2001. p. 1- 3. Los Banos, Philippines.
- Yahya, R, Mucharromah, D. Silsia. 2007. Pengaruh Pemberian Jamur Phanerochaeta chrysosporium terhadap Perubahan Komponen Kimia Campuran Batang dan Limbah Cabang Mangium sebagai Bahan Baku Pulp. Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia. No.2 / 2007. Jurnal Terakreditasi DIKTI
- Yahya, R. 2010. Pemanfaatan cabang dengan kulit kayu sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria (L.) Nielsen) sebagai bahan baku pulp dalam upaya mengurangi kerusakan hutan. Journal of Enviroment (Bumi Lestari) Vol. 10 / No. 1. Jurnal nasional Terakreditasi DIKTI No:108/DIKTI/Kep./2007.
- Yahya, R, J Sugiyama, D Silsia & J Gril. 2010. Some Anatomical Features of an Acacia Hybrid, Mangium and A. Auriculiformis Grown in Indonesia with Regard to Pulp Yield and Paper Strength. Pada tahun 2010 memiliki SJR (0,336) & tergolong Q2 (Forestry).
- Yahya, R., K. Koze & J. Sugiyama. 2011. Serial optical micrograph as an alternative tool for quantitative anatomical analysis of wood. Proceedings of the wood culture and science. 6–9 August 2011, Kyoto, pp. 315–316.
- Yahya, R, K. Koze & J. Sugiyama. 2011. Fibre Length in Relation to the Distance from Vessels and Contact with Rays in Acacia Mangium. Terindex di Scopus dan memiliki IF = 0,519 (2010) & 0,612 (2015). Terindex di Scopus dan memiliki IF = 1,042 (2011). Pada tahun 2011 memiliki SJR (0,627) serta tergolong Q1 (Forestry)
- Yahya R, Sundaryono A, Imai T, Sugiyama J. 2015. Distance from vessels changes fiber morphology in Acacia mangium. IAWA J. 36: 36-43. doi.org/10.1163/22941932-00000083. Terindex di Scopus dan memiliki IF 1.043 (2015). Pada tahun 2015 memiliki SJR (0,428) serta tergolong Q2 untuk Forestry maupun Plant science.
- Yahya, R., Mucharromah, D. Silsia & Septiana. 2016. Kerusakan dimensi serat akibat biopulping pada Acacia mangium. Molekul, 11(1): 92 – 100. Jurnal Terakreditasi DIKTI, Sinta 1
- Yahya R, Yansen Y, Sundaryono A, Horikawa Y, Sugiyama J. 2017. Neighborhood of vessels: Chemical composition and microfibril angle of fiber within Acacia mangium. J. Trop. For. Sci. 29: 267-274. Terindex di Scopus dan memiliki IF = 0,519 (2010) & 0,446 (2016). Pada tahun 2017 memiliki SJR (0,318) & tergolong Q2 (Forestry).
- Yahya R, Yansen Y, Mizuno ST, Sugiyama J. 2020. Effect of vessel diameter on variation of fiber morphology in Acacia mangium. IAWA Journal 41 (1), 2020: 2–11. (Q1, 2019)
- Yahya R, Yansen Y, Mizuno ST. 2020. FIBRE QUALITY: LENGTH AND SLENDERNESS RATIO OFFIBRE ADJACENT TO SMALL VESSELS OF ACACIA MANGIUM. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 32(4): 355–360. (Q3 2019)
1. | 1995 | Penerapan Ekolabel di Hutan Produksi. Jakarta. Indonesia (Pemakalah) |
2 | 2000 | Paper Conference Technical Assosiation of the Pulp and Paper Industry of the Philippines (TAPPIP) 5th National Convention, Makaty City, Philippines (peserta) |
3. | 2000 | Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Peneliti Kayu Indonesia (MAPEKI), UGM. Jokyakarta (peserta) |
4. | 2002 | Fourth International Wood Science Symposium 2-5 September 2002 di Serpong. Indonesia (Pemakalah) |
5. | 2003 | Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Peneliti Kayu Indonesia (MAPEKI) VI, Bukittinggi. Sumatra Barat (Pemakalah) |
6. | 2003 | International Symposium on Sustainable Utilization of Acacia Mangium, 21 October 2003, Wood Research Institute, Kyoto University, Japan. (pemakalah) |
7. | 2004 | Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Peneliti Kayu Indonesia (MAPEKI) VII, Makassar. Sulawesi Selatan (Pemakalah) |
8. | 2005 | Japan TAPPI Seminar, Tokyo, Japan (peserta) |
9. | 2005 | The 50th Lignin Symposium Nagoya, Japan (pemakalah) |
10. | 2006 | Seminar Nasional dan Rapat Tahunan (SEMIRATA) Bidang ilmu Pertanian BKS-PTN Wilayah Indonesia Bagian Barat (Pemakalah) |
11. | 2007 | Wood Science School 2007. Organized by Research Institute for Sustanaible Humanosphere, Kyoto University and Research and Development Unit for Biomaterials (RDUB) Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI) |
12. | 2007 | ”69 th RISH SYMPOSIUM on Tropical Tree Biotechnology Initiative” Organized by Research Institute for Sustanaible Humanosphere, Kyoto University and Research and Development Unit for Biomaterials (RDUB) Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI) |
13. | 2008 | Humanosphere Science School 2008. Organized by Research Institute for Sustanaible Humanosphere, Kyoto University and Research and Development Unit for Biomaterials (RDUB) Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI) |
14. | 2008 | ”92 th RISH SYMPOSIUM Organized by Research Institute for Sustanaible Humanosphere, Kyoto University and Research and Development Unit for Biomaterials (RDUB) Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI) |
15. | 2010 | The 60th Annual meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, 17- 19 March 2010. Organized by Japan Wood Research Society, Miyazaki, Japan. (Pemakalah) |
16. | 2010 | Sustainable Future for Human Security Conference, 11-12 December 2010, Kyoto, Japan. (Pemakalah) |
17. | 2011 | The 61th Annual meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, 18- 20 march 2011. Organized by Japan Wood Research Society, Kyoto, Japan. (Pemakalah) |
18. | 2011 | The 177th Symposium on Sustanaible Humanosphere: Wood culture and science, 6-9 Agustus 2011. Organized by Research Institute for Sustanaible Humanosphere, Kyoto University. |
19. | 2012 | The 2nd International Symposium on Sustanaible Humanosphere, 29 Austus 2012, Bandung. (Pemakalah) |
20. | 2013 | The 3rd International Symposium for Sustainable Humanosphere (ISSH), A Forum of Humanosphere Science School, Bengkulu, 17 -18 September 2013. (Pemakalah) |
21. | 2015 | The 8th International Symposium of Indonesian Wood Research Society ( IWoRS ) “Role Acceleration and Synergy of Wood Research Society to Support Sustainable Forest Indsutry Based on Science and Technology” di Bandung (Pemakalah) |
22. | 2015 | Seminar Nasional XVIII Masyarakat Peneliti Kayu Indonesia (MAPEKI)” di Bandung |
23. | 2017 | The 9th Pacific Regional Wood Anatomy, the 9th International Symposium of International Academy of Wood Science and 9th Intenational Symposium of IWoRS 2017 (joint conference) di Bali (Pemakalah) |
- Sebagai “the best paper presenter’ pada “The Sustainable Future for Human Security SustaiN) Conference, Kyoto 11 – 12 December 2010” dengan judul “Pulp properties of Branch of Acacia mangium Willd”
- Sebagai poster terbaik pada “The 3rd International Symposium for Sustanaible Humanosphere (ISSH)”, Bengkulu 17-18 September 2013 dengan judul “Rapid determination of fiber length adjacent to the vessel in Acacia mangium by single cross section method”
- Reviewer internal bidang penelitian Universitas Bengkulu. 2014
- Reviewer internal bidang penelitian Universitas Bengkulu. 2018-2019
- Dosen Berprestasi Pertama Tingkat Fakultas Pertanian tahun 2016
- Berperan sebagai reviewer manuscript jurnaal internasional bereputasi “bioresorces”. 2013. BioResources 9(1), 150-160. Judul : Wood quality of Acacia hybrid and second generation Acacia mangium . Imfact factor 1.418 (2015/2016)
- Berperan sebagai reviewer manuscript jurnaal internasional “Journal of Tropical Forest Science”. 2014. 29(1): 30–36 (2017) Judul : Effect of radial growth rate on wood properties of /Neolamarckia cadamba
- Berperan sebagai reviewer manuscript jurnaal internasional bereputasi “bioresorces”. 2017. Judul : Impact of the chemical composition of Pinus radiata wood on its physical
and mechanical properties following thermo-hygromechanical densification
- Berperan sebagai reviewer manuscript jurnaal internasional bereputasi “bioresorces”. 2018. Judul : Determination of Alkali and Sulfite Ratios in Paper Pulp Produced from
Sorghum Stalks via the Kraft Method
- Sebagai invited speaker pada the 8th Pacific Regional Wood Anatomy Conference and Annual Meeting of the International Academy of Wood Science 2013”, Nanjing, China, August 17 – 21, 2013
- Sebagai invited speaker pada the 2014 Pan Pacific Conference of the Techinical Associations of the Pulp and Paper Industry, the Taiwan Forest Research Institute, Taipei, Taiwan. May 21-26, 2014
- Sebagai invited speaker pada 8th Pacific Regional Wood Anatomy Conference in Nanjing Forestry University, China 17-21, October 2013. Judul “Diameter and Wall Thickness of Fiber in Relation to Distance from Vessels in Acacia mangium”.
- h-Index scopus = 4, sampai dengan Desember 2020
- Sertifikat Paten. Nomor paten : IDP000059548
Inventor : Ridwan Yahya dan Devi Silsia
Tanggal pemberian :14 Juni 2019
- Anggota Masyarakat Peneliti Kayu Indonesia ( 1998 – 2003).
- Member of the Technical Assosiation of the Pulp and Paper Industry of the Philippines (TAPPIP). 1999- 2001.
- Member of Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) Core University Program in the Field of Wood Science and Technology. 2002 – 2005.
- Pengurus Pusat Masyarakat Peneliti Kayu Indonesia ( 2003 – 2006).
- Wakil Ketua Pengurus Pusat Masyarakat Peneliti Kayu Indonesia (2016-2018)
- Juara I Kejuaraan tennis lapangan beregu Rektor Cup tahun 2003 (Anggota tim)
- Juara II tennis lapangan perorangan Dalam Rangka Dies Natalis Universitas Muhammadiah Bengkulu tahun 2004
- Juara I tennis lapangan perorangan “Seman Widjoyo Fastron” 2004
- Juara II Kejuaraan tennis lapangan beregu Bank Bengkulu tahun 2006 (Anggota tim)
- Juara I Kejuaraan tenis lapangan beregu KIMPRASWIL Bengkulu tahun 2007 (anggota tim)
- Juara II Kejuaraan tennis lapangan beregu Rektor Cup tahun 2007 (Anggota tim)