In conjuction with the Annual Meeting of Deans of Faculty of Agriculture, Western Indonesia Public Universities – RAPAT TAHUNAN DEKAN BKS PTN Barat Ilmu Pertanian.Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to invite you to attend the 3rd ISEPROLOCAL (International Seminar on Promoting Local Resources for Sustainable Agriculture and Development) 2022, which will be organized by the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bengkulu, and partner institutions, INDONESIA. The 3rd ISEPROLOCAL is a virtual international seminar to present research results and analyze current conditions and perspectives in agriculture. This seminar focuses on Sustainable Agriculture and Development. Papers, after review and meeting the criteria, will be published in SCOPUS, IOP proceeding. The seminar will be presented in ENGLISH.
- Plant Protection and Pest Management.
- Coastal, Fisheries, and Marine Management.
- Animal Production, Nutrition, and Industry.
- Social, Economy, and Policy.
- Forestry and Biodiversity.
- Crop Production and Breeding.
- Food Science and Agriculture Technology.
- Land Resources Management.
- Local Wisdom and Indigenous Knowledge.
- Medicinal Plant and Herbal Medicine.
Honorable Speaker: Dr. Syahrul Yasin Limpo
Minister of Agriculture, The Republic of Indonesia
Keynote Speakers
Prof. Ferit Turanli / Plant Protection Department, Ege University, TURKEY
Prof. Zlatko Svecnjak / Department of Field Crops, University of Zagreb, CROATIA
Prof. Herry Sucahyo Utomo / Plant Breeding Department, Louisiana State University, USA
Dr. Agus Susetya, / Forestry Department, University of Bengkulu, INDONESIA
Dr. Paul Kristiansen/ School of Environmental and Rural Science, University of New England, AUSTRALIA
Important Date
Abstract Submission: 04 August 2022
Notification of Acceptance: 04 Sept 2022
Full-Text Submission Deadline: 20 Sept 2022
+628128631070 (Dr. Guswarni Anwar);
+6281371808050 (Dr. Yar Johan);
+6281289797628 (Umi Salamah, M.Si)
Email: iseprolocal@unib.ac.id
Website: iseprolocal.unib.ac.id